The Dynamic of Power in Family Business at the UCLA Anderson School of Management November 14, 2018 – Los Angeles
Guillermo Salazar
The Dynamics of Power in Family Business conference, conducted by Guillermo Salazar, was featured in an event organized by the Family Business Association of the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, California. In this lecture, Mr. Salazar deals in a structured and reflective way, with the elements and key situations related to the management of power within the dynamics of the enterprising families, as well as their relationship with the patrimony and the family business.
Enterprising families who work to achieve generational transcendence and consequently, the conservation of their legacy, commit to train generations that represent the family values, and whose behavior confers them the authority to lead a patrimony that represents the efforts and dreams of the founders transformed into reality.
A democratic behavior within the government bodies will amplify and enrich the decision making process related to the patrimony; hence the importance for the family to organize, cultivate communication and stay connected with the dream that they have all set out to achieve. It is essential that the enterprising family achieves balance or undertake this path working together to reconcile their different roles, relationships and dynamics.
The opportunity to share with the audience in this University, in which for the first time a member of Exaudi Family Business Consulting team attends as lecturer, besides being valuable, was enriching due to the interest in the analysis of the topics developed during the session. Experiences like this continue to grow our commitment with the dissemination and generation of knowledge in the universe that family business represents, and that we are so passionate about.